Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Porcini-encrusted scallops

As my lady loves scallops, I'm always looking for new recipes and when I came across this one in my Artisinal gluten free cooking book I had to jazz this plate up! 

Preheat your oven to 350 and soak 1 1/2 ounces of dried porcini mushrooms in hot water for 5 minutes. Drain the mushrooms and pulse in a food processor. Add salt and pepper and spread on a baking sheet, toast in the oven for 10 minutes. They should portray dry breadcrumbs. Return the baked mushrooms to a now clean and dry food processor and pulse again. Transfer these to a plate. 
Heat 1 tablespoon salted butter with 1 tablespoon olive oil in a sauté pan over medium heat. Firmly press both sides of your 1 pound of sea scallops that have been rinsed and patted dry. Put half of your scallops in the pan and cover cook for 5 minutes flip and repeat on the other side. Cook the remaining half of your scallops and they are ready to serve. I cooked some gluten free pasta and tossed it with fresh spinach, diced sun dried tomatos and lemon and olive oil. Season to taste. 

Although a bit time consuming, pulling out the dreaded food processor...these were earthy and delicious! Give yourself some time! 

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